JDRRA — DevOps Work

Jose Cuervo
4 min readNov 3, 2020

Our project helps Holbies to find jobpost as Juniors Developers focused on remote work. Our team is composed by Antonio Estela, Victor Paz, Ricardo Camayo and myself. We are focused on creating a fast and easy to use website that is constantly looking for new jobpost. Antonio worked in the Front-end, Victor and Ricardo worked in the Back-end and I worked in DevOps.

Search Engine

For everyone, no matter the academic area or educational level, it can be a scary experience to transition from student/apprentice into a functional part of the workforce. Finding a job can be the hardest part at the start, especially if you don’t have any experience in this.

In the technology and programming area this can be even more complex, as you face job positions you’ve maybe never even heard of, many new technologies, different levels of professional qualification, and all this can be very overwhelming, enough to feel completely lost and want to leave that search in hands of someone who can help you. We’ve gone through this ourselves, even more in the development of this project, but this has allowed us to understand the industry a bit more and in this way provide the most precise solutions for each Holbie’s needs.

Because of this, I would like to highlight our most important Features that give our product great value:

  • Login using the Holberton or Coderise credentials for privacy.
  • Daily search for new job posts.
  • “Full responsive” page compatible with mobile devices.
  • Search engine that allows you to search by company name, technologies or job post name.
  • Voting system to rate job posts and sort out the most relevant.
  • Filters for development categories such as FrontEnd, BackEnd and Devops.
  • On the bottom part of each post you will find the technologies required for the position.
Jobpost preview

Our project was developed with the following structure and using the following technologies:

For the scrapper, in charge of extracting the necessary job posts, we used NodeJS, in charge of storing the obtained information in a .JSON archive to then be integrated into our database built in PostgreSQL, which would organize everything in a way so that then, through the use of our API REST, it would connect to the website developed in VueJS and thus be used by the final user thanks to our Deployment made in Jenkins.

One of our biggest challenges was the use of new frameworks for each of us, we’d never used any of the previously mentioned technologies, therefore it was more than necessary to learn effectively in a short amount of time, in a constant and progressive manner to achieve our ideal goals for the project. Yes, this caused many problems during its development, as it didn’t only implicate a disadvantage in the unitary development of each of our corresponding parts of the project, but it also affected each part’s integration process.

It was because of this that we had to work separately, each member concentrated solely on his corresponding challenges, for more than half of the project’s development.

At the beginning of the project I didn’t have many tasks due to my role as DevOps, I started creating the remote database in Cloud SQL to store our data there; It was a bit complicated at the beginning because of Google’s security measures we had to use it through Cloud SDK, and I helped my colleagues with this process because none of them had experience with Google Cloud Platform, and in the last 10 days the real work started, we had to preprarate the first deployment, We estimated that it would take us 4 hours because after all “It’s just uploading it to the server”, which was bad, we took more than 12 hours straight making the first deployment because there were many parts of the code that were configured to work only locally and not in production environment. But definitely something I learned to appreciate during this process was the Jenkins CD tool, it makes the synchronization between github and the server much easier and without it I think we would have taken 3 days (to date it has done more than 100 deploys).

This experience taught many valuable lessons, not only to me but to the entire development team and that’s the most important part of this project, not only creating awesome tools but also growing as developers and as people.

Personally, I believe I’ve learned a lot with this project, the technical knowledge obtained in this short period of time is very important and useful, and finding out that I’m capable of learning and applying knowledge with these strict time margins is an extremely valuable discovery for myself.

I’ve also learned that I can get to be very capable of leading a team in an orderly and efficient fashion in order to reach the established objectives.

To finish off, thank you for your interest in this process and I hope what I’ve expressed here can be useful for you; each one of us treads down their path differently but there are shared experiences from which we can learn and grow with different perspectives.

My name is Jose Cuervo, I’m a student from Holberton School who’s just finished his process in the Foundations Program, you can find me on Twitter as @J_CuervoM.

Our organization’s github with all the repositories.

JDRRA web page.

Our Landing page.

Jose Cuervo’s LinkedIn Profile.

